Base Manager and Clinical Educator Boston MedFlight Milton, Massachusetts, United States
Jennifer Wheeler, MPH, BS, FP-C, C-NPT: No financial relationships to disclose
This short talk will focus on the disparity between adult and pediatric trauma management. Why do we tolerate the high's of pediatric trauma with long times to definitive trauma care, high pain levels, and agitation? And, why do we tolerate the lows of perfusion states and minimal management? In 20 minutes, we will talk about why this dichotomy exists and by the end discuss strategies to bring a culture change to the emergency transport industry.
Learning Objectives:
Define at least one difference in the triage of adult vs. pediatric trauma patients.
List at least two ways to manage pain in the pediatric patient.
Describe at least three criteria to transport a pediatric trauma patient to a pediatric trauma center.