Chief Quality Officer & Director of Clinical Care Boston MedFlight Mansfield, Massachusetts, United States
Michael A. Frakes, APRN, CMTE, FCCM, FAEN, FACHE: No financial relationships to disclose
A case-based review of the spectrum of pulmonary edema, from ordinary volume-overload edema to cardiogenic shock and SCAPE (“flash pulmonary edema”). This talk will focus on the physiology underlying these three different presentations of pulmonary edema, highlight the common management strategies and interventions specific to each one. It will include a discussion of afterload reduction/high dose nitrates for SCAPE, pressor use and choice for cardiogenic shock, the primacy of positive pressure for all types of pulmonary edema, and the poor role for diuretics and morphine in this environment.
Learning Objectives:
Compare and contrast the presentation of cardiogenic shock, fluid overload subacute pulmonary edema, and sympathetic crashing acute pulmonary edema.
Describe pharmacologic interventions for cardiogenic shock, FOSPE, and SCAPE
State the pros and cons of common early interventions for pulmonary edema – positive pressure and diuretics