Director of Operations Apollo MedFlight Amarillo, Texas, United States
David W. Miller, CMTE: No financial relationships to disclose
This interactive discussion will highlight the need to standardize OCC training using the FAA Part 121 Dispatcher certification model. Apollo MedFlight has been training and certifying each operational control specialist as Part 121 Dispatchers to increase the knowledge and expertise to become more actively involved in all flight decisions. This training is the benchmark the industry should strive for and leverages the world-wide credibility of our partner, Jeppesen Academy, in advancing and standardizing OCC-level training for all air ambulance operations.
Learning Objectives:
List all aspects of operational control from Part 135.77 and 135.619
Reference and implement all required training for operational control specialists.
Implement resources to standardize OCC training with FAA approved training facilities beyond the operator.